
Asset Mapping

Asset Mapping in Telecommunications is the process of identifying, documenting and visually representing all physical and digital components within a telecommunications network. Telecommunications organisations typically possess a wealth of existing information which is often stored in various formats and scattered across different departments. Consolidating this data is a fundamental step in the asset mapping process.

Novegen has extensive experience in collaborating with large organisations to systematically collect, organise, and integrate data that has been accumulated over many years. This data, whether in spreadsheets, CAD files, physical documents, or other formats, is subjected to rigorous processing.  

The core of Novegen’s asset mapping process involves several key stages

Asset Mapping

Data Collection and Consolidation

We begin by gathering all existing data, regardless of its format or location within the organisation. This data may include physical asset inventories, digital records, and spatial information.

Data Integration and Processing

The collected data is carefully reviewed and processed. We convert and standardise various data formats to ensure compatibility with GIS systems. Which includes geo-referencing spatial data, cleansing datasets to remove inaccuracies, and manually mapping assets where automatic methods are insufficient. 

Surveying and Verification

To address gaps in existing data, Novegen conduct detailed field surveys using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques. These surveys are designed to geolocate assets with millimetre precision, ensuring the highest level of accuracy in the final map outputs.

GIS Mapping and Visualisation

The processed and verified data is then integrated into a GIS platform, where it is organised into layers and visually represented in a way that is intuitive and accessible. Additionally, Our GIS specialists create tailored views and dashboards that provide stakeholders with the precise information they need, whether for operational management, strategic planning, or regulatory compliance.

Stakeholder Collaboration

Throughout the process, we work closely with key personnel within the organisation. Their insights and expertise, built over many years, are invaluable in refining the mapping process and ensuring that the final outputs are not only accurate but also aligned with the organisation’s operational needs.

Why Novegen?

Novegen’s extensive experience in mapping infrastructure for large organisations has allowed us to develop and refine a suite of processes, procedures, systems, and in-house expertise that ensure precision and efficiency in every project. Moreover, Our deep understanding of asset mapping, combined with our technical capabilities, enables us to handle complex and large-scale mapping projects with ease.

We deliver asset information that is not only accurate but also customised to meet the unique needs of each organisation. Whether, it is for operational use, strategic decision-making, or regulatory compliance, our mapping services provide a solid foundation for effective asset management. Ultimately, our commitment to excellence ensures that every aspect of our work contributes to the success and sustainability of our client’s infrastructure


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